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About the ADDA

The Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA) is the professional association for the deputy district attorneys (DDAs) of Los Angeles County.  We negotiated our first contract in 2010 and are committed to improving the working lives of our members through representation and negotiation with the County.

We strive to advance a work environment that allows our members to focus on their role as the primary guardians of justice in the courts.  The gains we have made took tremendous time and energy.  We are now in a position to build upon our hard-won accomplishments and continue to achieve real progress in wages, benefits, and working conditions for the nearly 1,000 DDAs who we represent.

We Work for the People

Los Angeles County is home to over 10 million residents, many of whom become victims of crime — while out on the street, or in a car, or at home.  Working with law enforcement, our members handle thousands of cases for filing consideration and prosecution in court.

Representing the People of the State of California, our goal is to seek justice.  Justice for victims.  Justice for the innocent.  Justice for the guilty.  Justice for all.


All represented DDAs (Grades I-IV) can enjoy full-fledged membership with voting rights.  To join, please click the button below to complete our secure online membership application.