Monday Morning Memo for November 27, 2017

Pace of executions in California may be up to Gov. Jerry Brown

When the California Supreme Court upheld a voter initiative in August to speed up executions, some death penalty advocates assumed lethal injections would resume before the end of the year. Three months after the court’s action, both backers and opponents of the death penalty concede that executions might be more than a year away. Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration has yet to finalize an execution protocol, which is necessary to resolve a federal court case that has blocked lethal injection in California for nearly 12 years. An injunction stopping executions also is pending in state court. “Brown is the shot caller” in the litigation over lethal injection, said Michele Hanisee, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys for L.A. County.

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Charles Manson’s prosecutor says he deserved to be killed years ago
Charles Manson should have died a long time before today. That’s according to one of the prosecutors who sent Manson and his murderous followers to death row, only to see their sentences later commuted to life in prison. Manson, 83, died Sunday at Kern County hospital in California, corrections officials said.

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Charles Manson dead at 83; here’s why his health crisis was shrouded in secrecy
Mass killer Charles Manson died of natural causes Sunday evening at a Kern County hospital, authorities said. The 83-year-old cult leader died at 8:13 p.m., according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Michele Hanisee, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys, issued a statement Sunday saying that Vincent Bugliosi, the deputy district attorney who prosecuted Manson, “provided the most accurate summation: ‘Manson was an evil, sophisticated con man with twisted and warped moral values.’

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Charles Manson ‘a pathetic, cowardly con man’ who should be remembered for that alone. Reactions to his death
As news of Charles Manson’s death spread late Sunday, many on social media said his death should be a time to remember and mourn his victims. Michele Hanisee, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys, said in a statement that the prosecutor who put Manson behind bars “provided the most accurate summation: ‘Manson was an evil, sophisticated con man with twisted and warped moral values.’

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Where will Charles Manson be buried? GoFundMe pulls plug on funeral fundraising
GoFundMe has shut down a fundraising effort to pay the funeral expenses of notorious cult leader Charles Manson. A friend of Manson’s grandson, Jason Freeman, started the campaign, which had raised $979 before it was taken down, according to the New York Daily News. The fundraising page would have paid the legal, travel and burial fees for Manson’s body, currently held by the Kern County coroner.

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Former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten has earned parole
On Sept. 6, for the second year in a row, parole commissioners recommended parole for 68-year-old Leslie Van Houten, who participated in the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in the summer of 1969. Van Houten, who was 19 at the time, stabbed Rosemary more than a dozen times after fellow Charles Manson-follower Charles “Tex” Watson killed Leno and stabbed Rosemary.

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Rancho Cucamonga joins grassroots effort to review state’s prison reform
City Manager John Gillison believes there needs to be a grassroots effort to review the recent changes in the criminal justice system. Officials in Rancho Cucamonga say they are not pleased with the effects of AB 109, a controversial 2011 prison-reform law; as well as voter-approved Propositions 47 and 57.

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Law enforcement’s limits to stopping shooters
And here’s a reality of law enforcement – sometimes the police know someone is dangerous but there’s not much they can do about it. That’s what happened in Northern California last week. Where a man went on a shooting rampage. The gunman had been arrested once before, and a court said he wasn’t supposed to have any guns. NPR’s Martin Kaste reports.

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Did actions by an LAPD officer specializing in MS-13 help a gang killer flee?
The accusation against the Los Angeles gang cop was as strange as it was troubling. A police sergeant hundreds of miles away in Nevada claimed that LAPD Det. Frank Flores and one of his gang informants had interfered with the hunt for a murder suspect. Flores’ meddling, the officer alleged, had helped the killer flee the country.

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Activists push law enforcement to stop ‘policing themselves’ and release body camera footage
Police departments in the Bay Area have some of the most high-tech body camera equipment in the country. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Department this summer decided to spend $1.5 million a year on new, Axon cameras as a result of multiple download failures of the old equipment and following the high-profile 2015 case of Stanislav Petrov, where none of the three deputies accused of beating the alleged car thief in a San Francisco alleyway had turned on their equipment.

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LAPD investigates nearly two dozen sex crime cases tied to Hollywood
Los Angeles police are investigating almost two dozen cases of alleged criminal sexual misconduct connected to multiple people within the entertainment industry, a senior department official told NBC News. The cases involve individuals who are known publicly as well as others who have not yet been identified, the official said Friday.

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Wave of Hollywood sex assault claims sends LAPD into uncharted territory
The flood of sexual assault allegations coming out of the Hollywood entertainment industry has the Los Angeles Police Department negotiating uncharted territory. Never before has the department received so many sexual assault allegations involving high-profile figures at one time, including many complex cases that are years old with multiple alleged victims, officials say.

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Could Jordan’s Law be triggered in beating of Simi Valley teen?
The attorney for a 15-year-old boy who was videotaped being beaten by two 17-year-olds at Simi Valley High School a month ago wants the case to be an early test of a new law that aims to criminalize cyberbullying. “We are trying to press for that,” said the victim’s attorney Jennifer Ryan of the Oct. 16 attack. “It’s clear this was a planned attack. And they planned to videotape it. And it was posted on Snapchat.”

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Rise in LA County hate crimes linked to white supremacists
Los Angeles County saw a surge in reported hate crimes last year linked to white supremacists, with a wave of incidents targeting Jews, Muslims and African Americans, according to a study released Thursday. Immigrants also have been targeted, prompting officials to call in sheriff’s deputies to maintain calm at public meetings.

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Trump’s war on crime: U.S. Government arrests 200 MS-13 gang members in Central America and at home
A major crackdown led to the arrest of more than 200 alleged members and associates of the international street gang, MS-13, officials announced Wednesday. “Today I am pleased to announce the arrest of 267 MS-13 gang members and associates in conjunction of ICE’s most recent targeted anti-gang effort known as ‘Operation Raging Bull,'” Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said, NBC News reports.

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L.A. County releases people sentenced to 180 days or less on the same day
Writer Bill Pearl over at did a little digging and got the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to admit that under its current jail criteria, people sentenced up to 180 days or less get released on the same day. If a person is arrested for a misdemeanor in L.A. County, is charged by a prosecutor, is convicted (or pleads guilty), and is sentenced with the maximum of 180 days in jail, he or she will get out of jail on the same day.

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Palos Verdes teen charged in gang murder was a South L.A. fixture
A white teenager from an uber-wealthy community on the Palos Verdes Penninsula was a regular at a South L.A. park claimed by the Rollin’ 90s Neighborhood Crips, witnesses say. Eighteen-year-old Cameron Terrell has been charged with murder in connection with the Oct. 1 shooting death of 21-year-old Justin Alongino Holmes.

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One corner. Four killings.
The first to die was her friend “Ken Dog.” Five months later, her fiancé was gunned down, then another friend, “Bug” – all on the same South Los Angeles street corner. Semaj Smith lives in Harvard Park, one of the city’s deadliest neighborhoods. Her yellow house is riddled with bullet holes. A dark stain from memorial candles marks the spot on the sidewalk where her fiancé died.

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Wave of Hollywood sex assault claims sends LAPD into uncharted territory
The flood of sexual assault allegations coming out of the Hollywood entertainment industry has the Los Angeles Police Department negotiating uncharted territory. Never before has the department received so many sexual assault allegations involving high-profile figures at one time, including many complex cases that are years old with multiple alleged victims, officials say.

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Crime should be lowered to petty ‘theft’ though no theft
A member of the First District Court of Appeal has argued in a dissent that a felony conviction for forging and presenting a prescription for a narcotic should be reduced, pursuant to Proposition 47, to misdemeanor petty “theft,” even though nothing was stolen. The dissenter, Acting Presiding Justice Stuart R. Pollak of Div.

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Judge erred in finding ‘without prejudice’ to be ambiguous
The Fourth District Court of Appeal has reversed a judgment of an Orange Superior Court judge, David L. Belz, who found that the term “without prejudice” in a settlement agreement meant “with prejudice.” Justice Richard D. Fybel of Div. Three wrote the unpublished opinion, filed Thursday. It reinstates an action dismissed by Belz who found “without prejudice” to be ambiguous.

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Janice Dickinson gets big win in Bill Cosby defamation suit
Model Janice Dickinson won a major appeals court victory Tuesday in her defamation war against Bill Cosby and his former lawyer Marty Singer. California’s Second Appellate District reversed two lower-court decisions and said Dickinson can add Singer back as a co-defendant in her Los Angeles lawsuit and continue citing a 2014 letter sent by Singer to media outlets as an example of alleged misconduct.

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What crime scene? What dead body?’ Detective in Durst case asks
The retired New York City Police Detective Michael Struk can still recall the afternoon Robert A. Durst walked into the 20th Precinct on Manhattan’s Upper West Side to report that his wife had vanished. Mr. Durst, clutching his dog and a two-year-old magazine with his father’s photograph on the cover, sat at the detective’s desk and described how his wife, Kathie McCormack Durst, had vanished four days earlier, “like he was in a deli ordering a sandwich,” the detective said.

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Two sentenced in Ventura County avocado caper
Two men accused of stealing over $200,000 worth of avocados from a facility in Ventura County were sentenced on Friday. Carlos Chavez, 29, of Oxnard and Joseph Valenzuela, 38, of Santa Paula will spend two years in county jail, with 18 months of probation, Ventura County District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced.

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Prosecutors charge California Hells Angels members
Federal prosecutors in San Francisco have charged nine members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang with running a criminal organization responsible for multiple robberies and assaults and one murder. The U.S. Attorney’s office and FBI announced the charges on Monday. Most of the defendants are members of the group’s Sonoma County chapter in Northern California.

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‘Our justice system is not perfect:’ DA seeks release of man convicted in murders of ex, son
Prosecutors and police are asking for the release of a 70-year-old man who’s served 40 years for two murders they say he didn’t commit. Investigators say in November of 1978, 24-year-old Rhonda Wicht and her 4-year-old son, Donald, were killed in their Simi Valley apartment. Rhonda had been strangled. Her son was suffocated.

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SMa.r.t.- depositions and lawsuits, oh my!
Last week’s SMart Group column discussed the history of at-large representation for city council seats in Santa Monica. A proposed change in the election system would result in city council and school board seats chosen by the residents of each neighborhood rather than the entire city. Santa Monica would be divvied up into districts, with council and school board members who live in and vote on issues that affect their area first, and the entire city second.

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New poll gives early look at races for California governor and U.S. Senate
The hot-button issues for Californians heading to the ballot box next year will be economic and state-centric, according to the latest USC Dornsife/L.A. Times Poll. When asked what the most important problem today was, 22 percent cited the high cost of living and housing availability, while another 10 percent picked jobs and the economy.

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Political probe launches for former utilities commissioner, governors’ aide
State political ethics regulators are conducting an investigation that involves the dealings of the California Public Utilities Commission and a former member of the panel, Susan Kennedy. The Fair Political Practices Commission has requested letters, emails, calendars and other communications between the commission and Kennedy, a former aide to governors Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger who has gone into the energy storage business.

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Rancho Mirage politician was consulted on CV Link lawsuit, but the city won’t release the records
Rancho Mirage officials have declined to release written communications between a City Council member and a local attorney whose lawsuit seeks to stop the CV Link. That council member, Dana Hobart, has said he played no role in a lawsuit filed on Oct. 13 against the $100 million, approximately 50-mile long pathway.

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From City Hall to the White House? Eric Garcetti may try to defy the odds
There have been governors and generals, senators and members of Congress, secretaries of state and vice presidents. There was even a billionaire business executive chosen as commander in chief. But never in the 228 years since Gen. George Washington was sworn in as president has a sitting mayor been elected to the White House. Eric M. Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles, may be out to change that.

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Feds warn of counterfeit goods before the holiday shopping rush
The problem of counterfeit goods reaches far beyond popular handbags. The business of trafficking phony products is a growing problem here in the United States. “A wide range of counterfeit products have been seized including counterfeit sports jerseys, clothing, gaming system accessories, purses and bags, vehicle airbags, sunglasses and perfume,” said Rose Brophy, director of field operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Buffalo-area.

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Madera County DA accused of making “Racist, sexist, lewd and offensive comments”
The independent investigation by a law firm based in LA found Linn made sexist or sexually explicit comments to and about employees and female crime victims. He also made racist comments and engaged in abusive or threatening conduct at work but he told me, it is crooked supervisors coming after him. David Linn’s seat as Madera County District Attorney is getting hot.

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Replacing bail with an algorithm
“He was listed as a three, your honour.” “He’s a two on the raw score.” “On danger to the community, he scores a five.” The defendant, a lean, bearded man in an orange jumpsuit and shackles, sits next to his lawyer, listening intently to his rankings on a six-point scale. Welcome to the world of pre-trial hearings in New Jersey, which on January 1st became the first state to eliminate almost completely the use of bail.

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Trump could appoint conservatives to California’s federal courts more easily after Senate shift
President Donald Trump could have an easier time appointing conservative judges to California’s federal courts under a policy shift in the U.S. Senate this week that has faced withering criticism from Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Thursday that he wouldn’t necessarily follow the Senate’s informal “blue slip” policy, which allows senators to veto judicial nominees in their home states.

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Man freed decades after double killing that rocked LA suburb
Simi Valley was a sleepy Southern California suburb in 1979, one frequently ranked near the top of surveys of America’s safest cities – in large part because hundreds of police officers from nearby Los Angeles lived there. The city, however, was shaken when residents awoke on Nov. 11, 1978, to learn of the slaying of a 24-year-old woman and her 4-year-old son.

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Jay-Z says Meek Mill’s prison sentence shows how justice system ‘harasses’ black people
Jay-Z has penned an op-ed for The New York Times condemning rapper Meek Mill’s two- to four-year prison sentence for violating probation. In his opinion piece, titled “The Criminal Justice System Stalks Black People Like Meek Mill,” Jay-Z argues that Meek Mill’s sentence stemming from a nearly decade-old drug and gun charge points to a far larger problem.

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Hawaii psychiatric patient says he’s surprised escape worked
A man who acknowledges killing a woman nearly 40 years ago said Friday that he is surprised he was able to walk out of a Hawaii psychiatric hospital and make it to California before being captured. Randall Saito spoke to The Associated Press in a jail near Stockton, California, before briefly appearing in court and telling a judge he doesn’t want to go back to Hawaii.

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California Bar Exam ends 3-year slide, as nearly half pass July sitting
The percentage of prospective lawyers who passed California’s July bar exam crept upward to 49.6 percent, ending a three-year skid in scores marked last year by the lowest pass rate-43 percent-in three decades.

[av_button label=’The Recorder’ link=’manually,The percentage of prospective lawyers who passed California’s July bar exam crept upward to 49.6 percent, ending a three-year skid in scores marked last year by the lowest pass rate-43 percent-in three decades. ‘ link_target=’_blank’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=”]

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Union for State Bar of California employees files unfair practice charge
The Service Employees International Union, which represents State Bar of California employees, filed an unfair practice charge against the agency last week, alleging bad faith bargaining regarding compensation. In an email to the ABA Journal, Michael G. Colantuono, president of the State Bar of California, wrote that as part of collective bargaining, the parties agreed not to share specific bargaining proposals with the media.

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LA County leaders move forward on health inspections for massage parlors
Concerned that a number of Los Angeles County’s massage parlors are nothing more than fronts for illicit sex trade and illegal-labor trafficking, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to craft an ordinance that requires annual health and safety inspections of such establishments.

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Report: Hate crimes in L.A. County remain elevated
The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations (LACCHR) on Thursay released its annual account of hate crimes reported throughout Los Angeles County in 2016. The report’s significant findings include the following: There were 482 hate crimes reported, only one less than 2015, which saw a 24% increase from the previous year and reached the highest total since 2011.

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Behind bars for 27 years for murder he didn’t do: LA $15 million settlement
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is set to vote Tuesday on a $15 million settlement for a man who was imprisoned for 27 years for a 1984 murder he said he didn’t commit. Frank O’Connell was convicted of gunning down 27-year-old Jay French in the parking lot of the victim’s South Pasadena apartment complex on Jan. 5, 1984.

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Santa Monica Supervisor seeks progress report on efforts to stop sexual assault in county jails and detention centers
Santa Monica’s County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl co-authored a successfully adopted motion last Tuesday asking for a review to gauge whether a 2003 federal Act to stop sexual assault in county jails and detention centers is being followed. “More than 200,000 people report having been sexually abused in U.S. prisons and jails every year,” Kuhel, whose district stretches to the coast, said in presenting the motion with Supervisor Janice Hahn, of the 1st District.

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Sheriff McDonnell visits Manhattan Beach Rotarians, addresses sanctuary city opposition
Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell became a target for immigration activists’ ire last March when he opposed Senate Bill 54, the so-called “sanctuary state” legislation prohibiting local and state police agencies from engaging in immigration enforcement. McDonnell was the featured speaker Monday morning at the Manhattan Beach Rotary Club’s weekly breakfast at Verandas Beach House.

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Congress should end effort to relax gun silencer safety laws
Even after the recent tragedies in Sutherland Springs, Texas and Las Vegas, Congress is considering proposals that would roll back existing gun safety laws and put the public at risk. One of these bills, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreation Enhancement or SHARE Act – which began as an innocuous bill to protect sportsman’s heritage, public lands and funding for the outdoors – has been loaded up with provisions that would endanger our residents and law enforcement alike.

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Gun theft from legal owners is on the rise, quietly fueling violent crime across America
Hundreds of thousands of firearms stolen from the homes and vehicles of legal owners are flowing each year into underground markets, and the numbers are rising. Those weapons often end up in the hands of people prohibited from possessing guns. Many are later used to injure and kill.

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America’s complex relationship with guns
As a nation, the U.S. has a deep and enduring connection to guns. Integrated into the fabric of American society since the country’s earliest days, guns remain a point of pride for many Americans. Whether for hunting, sport shooting or personal protection, most gun owners count the right to bear arms as central to their freedom. At the same time, the results of gun-related violence have shaken the nation, and debates over gun policy remain sharply polarized.

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Rampage killer’s repeated weapons violations never reported to prosecutors, D.A. says
Tehama County,Calif., prosecutors were never told that the gunman who killed five people in a rampage this week had for months before regularly fired off weapons at his home despite a judge’s order that he turn in his weapons, the district attorney said Friday. Neighbors of the gunman, Kevin Janson Neal, 44, said they complained to police for months about him firing guns and threatening them, with one resident even filing papers in court.

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The gun-control legislation that even Republicans like
Republicans and Democrats have found gun legislation both sides agree on. But that doesn’t mean it will pass. In the wake of mass shootings in Nevada, Texas, and California, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, an outspoken advocate of gun control, introduced a bill to strengthen the federal background-check system for gun sales.

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California shooting rampage highlights “ghost guns”
The gunman who killed his wife and four others in a rampage in Northern California this week found an easy way around a court order prohibiting him from having guns: He built his own at home. Kevin Neal, 44, was armed with what authorities believe were two high-powered rifles that he made himself when he opened fire Tuesday on homes, cars and an elementary school around his tiny hometown of Rancho Tehama Reserve. A deputy finally shot and killed him.

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Feds warn of counterfeit goods before the holiday shopping rush
The problem of counterfeit goods reaches far beyond popular handbags. The business of trafficking phony products is a growing problem here in the United States. “A wide range of counterfeit products have been seized including counterfeit sports jerseys, clothing, gaming system accessories, purses and bags, vehicle airbags, sunglasses and perfume,” said Rose Brophy, director of field operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Buffalo-area.

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Harvey Weinstein drew up 91-name list for investigators to target: Report
A list of 91 actors, publicists, producers and financiers purportedly drawn up by Harvey Weinstein for his private investigators to target for information has been obtained by The Guardian, the U.K. news organization says. The Guardian story follows the remarkable Nov. 6 New Yorker article by Ronan Farrow that detailed the investigations carried out at Weinstein’s behest by the Kroll and Black Cube firms.

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After Weinstein: The fallout for 34 men accused of sexual misconduct, from lewd texts to rape
At the beginning of October, multiple women came forward to accuse Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer, of sexual misconduct. Since then, high-profile men in a variety of industries have resigned, been fired or experienced other fallout after accusations that have ranged from inappropriate text messages to rape. Here is a list of such cases, which we will update periodically.

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This Capitol sex harassment scandal isn’t going away
It should be evident by now that the Capitol’s sexual harassment issue isn’t going to fade away. In the past, accusations of harassment by a political figure either were covered up or attracted only momentary public and media attention. But those days are over. An open letter signed by dozens, and then hundreds, of women working in and around the Capitol, declaring that they would no longer countenance the community’s pervasive harassment and its tolerance has radically changed the atmosphere.

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LA County reviews sexual harassment policies amid rising complaints
As sexual harassment allegations rock the entertainment and political industries, Los Angeles County has also seen an increase in sexual harassment complaints, raising questions of whether inappropriate workplace climates also plague local municipalities. The Los Angeles City Council will review current city policies and consider creating a sexual harassment hotline for employees to report incidents, reports NBC4 media partner KPCC.

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New York Times suspends star reporter over harassment allegations
The New York Times said this morning that it has suspended a star reporter in its Washington bureau in the wake of published allegations that he had sexually harassed younger female colleagues. The Times also said the reporter, Glenn Thrush, would enter a substance abuse program, with the paper’s support.

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Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra announces he will resign next year as Times prepares report on new sexual harassment allegations
Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra announced he will not seek reelection Monday, citing “persistent rumors and speculation” regarding sexual harassment claims. “I spent my life advocating for the Northeast Valley, fighting for a fair share for our communities and residents,” Bocanegra (D-Pacoima) said in a statement.

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In a Country of bigots and liars, predators will always survive
Suppose Los Angeles Democrats had the choice for U.S. Senator between a Democrat candidate with a history of sexual dalliances with teenage girls and a White Supremacist. For whom would they vote? It is one thing to bring down the gross Harvey Weinstein. Not only is Weinstein physically repulsive, but he also is an “asshole” to quote Matt Damon.

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Transcript, emails show how tabloid reporters helped Harvey Weinstein get dirt on women
Months later, Elizabeth Avellan would learn that the phone call from the journalist with the “lovely British accent” wasn’t what it had seemed – that in fact it was something rather sinister and that she had been turned into an unwitting accomplice of Harvey Weinstein in his cover-up efforts. At the time, though, Andy – as the journalist had identified himself – must’ve seemed harmless enough, if overly persistent.

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California pot rules mark step toward 2018 legal sales
The largest legal marijuana marketplace in the U.S. is taking shape – at least on paper. California regulators Thursday released long-awaited rules that will govern the state’s emerging pot economy, from fields to sales. California voters last year legalized the recreational use of marijuana, beginning Jan. 1. The emergency rules open the way for the state to begin issuing temporary licenses for growers and sellers next year.

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California rolled out 278 pages of marijuana rules. Here are highlights.
California on Thursday unveiled its latest set of marijuana regulations-this time, emergency rules that will guide the legalized recreational market when it opens in January. The regulations published by the Bureau of Cannabis Control, the Department of Food and Agriculture and the Department of Public Health were shaped by early draft proposals and legislation enacted this summer.

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L.A. County officials ask feds to retain homeless veteran’s financial assistance
In September, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs made regional VA officials responsible for $264 million, a sum which historically went to aiding homeless veterans. While D.C. VA administrators insist that the move will assist the organization in providing pertinent medical care to a diverse and developing pool of veterans, the change troubles some L.A. leaders.

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Homeless camp cleanout yields underground bunkers, 1000 bikes
Authorities clearing homeless encampments along a Southern California river have found at least two makeshift underground bunkers, including one that contained more than a thousand bicycles. Officials in Orange County said the bikes found in the tunnel system under a concrete flood-control channel could suggest a large-scale theft ring, the Orange County Register reported Friday.

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Notoriously hard-to-open homeless shelter welcomes people out of extreme weather
Los Angeles officials are opening up a second winter shelter in the Antelope Valley in the hopes of bringing more homeless services to an area left reeling after the closure of a shelter earlier this year. The L.A. County Board of Supervisors is expected to vote on funding a range of emergency shelter programs for the upcoming cold season at their meeting Tuesday, including a 24-hour space at the High Desert MAAC, a county-owned space near Lancaster.

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This is how San Gabriel Valley and Whittier-area cities will learn to help the homeless
When Arcadia police officers encounter homeless people in the city, they reach out to organizations in Pasadena or other nearby cities to find help for them. Councilwoman April Verlato hopes the city can find a better way to offer resources for the city’s homeless a little closer to home. “There just aren’t enough resources available locally; we’re not properly equipped,” she said.

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California should be able to reduce public employees’ pension benefits, Jerry Brown argues
Gov. Jerry Brown got most of what he wanted when he carried a proposal to shore up the state’s underfunded public employee pension plans by trimming benefits for new workers. Five years later, he’s in court making an expansive case that government agencies should be able to adjust pension benefits for current workers, too.

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Critics pick their facts but ignore the truth
Two serial critics of defined benefit plans have recently published comments that selectively mine the facts so they can advance their anti-pension platforms. Let’s look at both – an article published by Dan Pellissier in the San Jose Mercury News, and an article by Steven Greenhut in the Orange County Register.

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